As the second in a 5-part series, this article will give an overview of permit management within a radiation safety program. Permits and permit holders (PH) are essential pieces to maintaining radiation safety. To ensure safety protocols are upheld, radioactive materials can only be handled by either a radioisotope use permit holder or those under the supervision of a PH. As the processes involved with permit management can be numerous and complex, EHS management software with radioisotope track capabilities can greatly aid PHs by making it easier to set up baseline permits within the system, attach the radioisotopes that they are permitted for, and establish an “owner” of radioactive materials to receive notifications for every transaction that occurs for those radioisotopes assigned to them.
Permits for radioactive materials are typically renewed every two years. With this, comes refresher training for PHs. Not receiving this training could lead to the suspension of the permit, prevention from procuring more radioactive compounds, and a complete stop of all work involving radioactive materials and equipment. EHS software that offers training tracking can be fully integrated into radiation safety programs and help ensure these essential pieces of compliance are carried out on time and operations can continue without interruption.
Additionally, having software helps PHs control authorizations and access to data. User roles can be assigned according to facility permit requirements, enabling only appropriate users to perform certain functions with specific materials. These configurable user settings can screen the ability to access and even view radioisotopes by team, department, role, etc. so that the software can be implemented organization-wide and still maintain work-related security clearances.
A typical organization that utilizes radioisotopes could have five radioactive materials permits, with each permit detailing specific limits that could apply to the whole site, all the way down to individual laboratories and/or users. For these permits, there may be a singular PH and anywhere from 10-15 employees under each permit. As PHs are usually the eyes and ears for making sure the radioisotope inventory is correct and meeting license requirements, the addition of radiation safety management software can help make these disparate components connected and easier to manage. In one database, thousands of radioisotopes could be viewed (with the correct permissions) and sorted by the following data fields:
- System lists
- Permit Holder name and contact information
- Amendment date
- Expiration date
- Status (active)
- Radioisotopes under the permit
- Order Limit/ Possession Limit (according to the license)
- Current Inventory (with % of limit)
- Physical form of radioisotopes
- Permitted spaces (location)
Additionally, assets can be tied to PH information within the inventory. For example, radiation instruments such as a Geiger–Müller (GM) Counter or a Scintillation Counter can be assigned to a specific PH.
The support of radiation safety software streamlines permits management processes all the way down to the individual laboratory level. PHs can detail which locations are allowed to utilize what substances, possession limits can be ordered, inventory can be viewed or altered, PDFs of essential documentation (e.g., handling procedures) can be attached to material profiles, and every transaction that has taken place within the system can be quickly reviewed. Having all this information (and that of previously submitted reports) in one, centralized database also contributes greatly to the expediency of filling out permit renewals. With permit management being incredibly dynamic, automated radioisotope decay calculations and comprehensive, secure databases offer a valuable addition to any radiation safety program.
Publisher Bio
The SafetyStratus Research Advisory Group (RAG) brings together thought leaders from the global environmental, health, and safety community to promote best practices and provide key insights in the profession and the industries they serve. The Research Advisory Group also advocates, where practical, the intersection of and advances with the use of technology, such as the SafetyStratus enterprise EHS software platform. Group membership consists of representatives from across varied disciplines and market sectors as well as select members of the SafetyStratus team.
The primary objectives of the SafetyStratus RAG partnership are to:
- Build a strategic partnership between EHS practitioners and the SafetyStratus team.
- Provide engaging and practical content to the global EHS community.
- Provide discipline and market feedback specific to SafetyStratus products and services.
While the objectives of the RAG are varied, the primary public-facing outcome will be available through engaging and practical content found on the SafetyStratus resource pages. Various articles, papers, and other valuable resources will be produced and shared as part of an ongoing effort to cultivate a robust community. Ultimately, the SafetyStratus RAG will expand to have a broader reach and provide opportunities for more inclusion by all interested EHS professionals in a collaborative community environment.